These are the LineageOS Platform API classes. See all API packages.
AirplaneModeSettings |
The AirplaneModeSettings class allows for overriding and setting the airplane mode.
AirplaneModeSettings.BooleanState |
BooleanStates for specific AirplaneModeSettings
BrightnessSettings |
The BrightnessSettings class allows for overriding and setting the brightness level
of the display.
Build | Information about the current LineageOS build, extracted from system properties. |
Build.LINEAGE_VERSION | Various version strings. |
Build.LINEAGE_VERSION_CODES | Enumeration of the currently known SDK version codes. |
ColorUtils | Helper class for colorspace conversions, and color-related algorithms which may be generally useful. |
Concierge | Simply, Concierge handles your parcels and makes sure they get marshalled and unmarshalled correctly when cross IPC boundaries even when there is a version mismatch between the client sdk level and the framework implementation. |
Concierge.ParcelInfo |
Parcel header info specific to the Parcel object that is passed in via
prepareParcel(Parcel) or receiveParcel(Parcel) .
ConnectionSettings |
The ConnectionSettings class allows for creating Network/Hardware overrides
depending on their capabilities.
ConnectionSettings.BooleanState |
BooleanStates for specific ConnectionSettings
DataUsageContract |
The DataUsageProvdier contract containing definitions for the supported URIs and columns |
DisplayMode | Display Modes API A device may implement a list of preset display modes for different viewing intents, such as movies, photos, or extra vibrance. |
GlobalSettingSwitchPreference |
Intent | LineageOS specific intent definition class. |
LineageGlobalSettingSwitchPreference | |
LineageHardwareManager |
Manages access to LineageOS hardware extensions
This manager requires the HARDWARE_ABSTRACTION_ACCESS permission. |
LineageSecureSettingListPreference | |
LineageSecureSettingSwitchPreference | |
LineageSettings | LineageSettings contains Lineage specific preferences in System, Secure, and Global. |
LineageSettings.Global | Global settings, containing miscellaneous Lineage global preferences. |
LineageSettings.LineageSettingNotFoundException | |
LineageSettings.Secure | Secure settings, containing miscellaneous Lineage secure preferences. |
LineageSettings.System | System settings, containing miscellaneous Lineage system preferences. |
LineageSystemSettingDropDownPreference | |
LineageSystemSettingListPreference | |
LineageSystemSettingSwitchPreference | |
LineageWeatherManager | Provides access to the weather services in the device. |
LineageWeatherManager.LookupCityRequestListener | Interface used to receive notifications upon completion of a request to lookup a city name |
LineageWeatherManager.RequestStatus | The different request statuses |
LineageWeatherManager.WeatherServiceProviderChangeListener | Interface used to be notified when the user changes the weather service provider |
LineageWeatherManager.WeatherUpdateRequestListener | Interface used to receive notifications upon completion of a weather update request |
LiveDisplayConfig | Holder class for LiveDisplay static configuration. |
LiveDisplayManager | LiveDisplay is an advanced set of features for improving display quality under various ambient conditions. |
LockSettings |
The LockSettings class allows for overriding and setting the
current Lock screen state/security level.
Manifest | |
Manifest.permission |
PerformanceManager | |
PerformanceProfile | Encapsulates information about an available system power/peformance profile, managed by the PerformanceManager. |
Profile | A class that represents a device profile. |
Profile.DozeMode | Doze modes available on a device |
Profile.ExpandedDesktopMode | Expanded desktop modes available on a device |
Profile.LockMode | Lock modes of a device |
Profile.NotificationLightMode | Notification light modes available on a device |
Profile.ProfileTrigger |
A Profile.ProfileTrigger is a Profile.TriggerType which can be queried from the OS
Profile.TriggerState |
Various trigger states associated with a Profile.TriggerType
Profile.TriggerType | Available trigger types on the device, usually hardware |
Profile.Type |
A Profile type
ProfileManager |
The ProfileManager allows you to create WiFi being enabled WiFi connecting to a certain AP Bluetooth connecting to a certain device Bluetooth disconnecting to a certain device NFC tag being scanned Depending on these triggers, you can override connection settings, lockscreen modes, media stream volumes and various other settings. |
R | |
R.anim | |
R.array | |
R.attr | |
R.bool | |
R.dimen | |
R.drawable | |
R.integer | |
R.string | |
R.styleable | |
R.xml | |
RemotePreference | A RemotePreference is a view into preference logic which lives in another process. |
RemotePreferenceUpdater | Base class for remote summary providers. |
RequestInfo | This class holds the information of a request submitted to the active weather provider service |
RingModeSettings |
The StreamSettings class allows for creating various AudioManager
overrides on the device depending on their capabilities.
SecureSettingSwitchPreference | |
SelfRemovingDropDownPreference | A Preference which can automatically remove itself from the hierarchy based on constraints set in XML. |
SelfRemovingListPreference | A Preference which can automatically remove itself from the hierarchy based on constraints set in XML. |
SelfRemovingPreference | A Preference which can automatically remove itself from the hierarchy based on constraints set in XML. |
SelfRemovingSwitchPreference | A SwitchPreference which can automatically remove itself from the hierarchy based on constraints set in XML. |
ServiceRequest | This class represents a request submitted by the system to the active weather provider service |
ServiceRequestResult | Use this class to build a request result. |
ServiceRequestResult.Builder |
Builder class for ServiceRequestResult
SettingsHelper | |
SettingsHelper.OnSettingsChangeListener | |
StreamSettings |
The StreamSettings class allows for creating various AudioManager
overrides on the device depending on their capabilities.
StyleInterface | Interface used to customize the System colors. |
Suggestion | Style suggestion holder class. |
SystemSettingSwitchPreference |
TouchscreenGesture | Touchscreen gestures API A device may implement several touchscreen gestures for use while the display is turned off, such as drawing alphabets and shapes. |
WeatherContract | The contract between the weather provider and applications. |
WeatherContract.WeatherColumns | |
WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.TempUnit | Temperature units |
WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WeatherCode | Weather condition codes |
WeatherContract.WeatherColumns.WindSpeedUnit | Wind speed units |
WeatherInfo |
This class represents the weather information that a
WeatherProviderService will use to update the weather content
WeatherInfo.Builder |
Builder class for WeatherInfo
WeatherInfo.DayForecast | This class represents the weather forecast for a given day. |
WeatherInfo.DayForecast.Builder |
Builder class for WeatherInfo.DayForecast
WeatherLocation | A class representing a geographical location that a weather service provider can use to get weather data from. |
WeatherLocation.Builder |
Builder class for WeatherLocation
WeatherProviderService | This is the base class for implementing a weather provider service. |
WeatherUtils | Helper class to perform operations and formatting of weather data |